Cheap and Reliable Hosting :: Cheap DotNetNuke 7.4 Hosting Recommendation | Cheap and Reliable DotNetNuke 7.4 Hosting Recommendation. DotNetNuke (DNN) 7.4, as well known in the web industry and familiar among .NET developers, is a Web Content Management System (WCMS) based on Microsoft .NET platform. It is an excellent open source software that you can use to manage your website without having much technical knowledge.

DotNetNuke 7.4 includes a robust workflow and versioning API which is built around the DNN Content Item store. DNN 7.4 supports localization for 21 different settings which will provide greater control when implementing multi-language sites. In DNN 7.4 considerable effort went into refactoring many internal classes to provide a better foundation for future development. The PortalSettings classes and the EventLogs were overhauled to improve the overall architecture and to pave the way for future enhancements. While most people will never see any of these changes, this work is critical to maintaining the long-term health of the platform.

Features of DotNetNuke 7.4 Hosting Release

DotNetNuke 7.4 includes a number of new features and enhancements that will benefit users and developers alike along with a large number of bug fixes:

  • Added Workflow & versioning API
  • Added multilanguage support to Site Settings
  • Fixed issues where core platform rendered non-HTML5 compliant markup
  • Refactored PortalSettings and Eventlogs to better support future enhancements
  • Enhanced User Search to include email and username
  • Removed obsolete meta tags
  • Updated 51Degrees to
  • Added HTML Editor Manager module
  • Fixed issue where enabling content localization fails with multiple languages installed
  • Fixed issue where password reset error prevented updating password
  • Added localization support for Persian
  • Added localization support for additional culture code formats
  • Fixed issue where profile properties were not displayed using UTF-8
  • Fixed issue where scheduler would fail when large number of history items existed
  • Fixed issue where scheduler would fail with InvalidOperationException
  • Fixed issue where module settings could not be accessed after upgrade
  • Fixed issue where files in folder providers were not deleted properly

Cheap  DotNetNuke 7.4 Hosting Recommendation

Based on over 3 months review and real experience with 60+ Windows ASP.NET hosting providers and more than 100 verified customer reviews and ratings, we had come out the top 3  DotNetNuke 7.4 Hosting.

ryt is a windows-based hosting service provider. offers the most cheap and reliable DotNetNuke 7.4 web hosting infrastructure on the net with great features, fast and secure servers. they hosting can be done via USA, Amsterdams or Singapore based server. Depending your requirements, they can scale so we can deliver the right service for the right price. All of their windows hosting plan supports DNN and you can install DotNetNuke 7.4 with just one click.

ASPHostPortal has been in the industry for many years, followed by numerous loyal webmasters around the world. Among all the companies we have reviewed, this company offers the fastest hosting speed by using 5 first-class data centers on the USA, Europe, and Asia, quality Dell servers, and their own Max Speed Zone technology. Besides, they also guarantee you with uptime and 30 days money back guarantee. So, ASPHostPortal is the best choice in choosing the Best DotNetNuke 7.4 Hosting.

UK Windows Hosting ASP.NET


UKWindowsHostASP.NET is the best UK Windows and ASP.NET Hosting provider that offers the most affordable world class DotNetNuke hosting solutions for their customers. They offer high quality web hosting, dedicated servers, web design, domain name registration, and online marketing to help lead your business to online success. They grow to provide a versatile and dependable one-stop online hosting and marketing shop for the small business entrepreneur, and eliminate the need for you to deal with a host of different online vendors.

They never ever overload the server with tons of clients. They always load balance the server to make sure they can deliver an excellent service, coupling with the high performance and reliable server. Given the scale of environment, they have recruited and developed some of the best talent in the hosting technology that you are using. Their team is strong because of the experience and talents of the individuals who make up them.



They are the absolute real deal in value and the most excellent customer service in all areas. They have helped me with complex DNS records for Office 365 before anyone was capable.
If you order an add-on they give a disclaimer that it may take 24hrs to take effect.  DiscountASP.NET  innovate throughout to shared hosting product, service, and infrastructure. They provide the most affordable, reliable, fast, cutting-edge, and feature-rich, enterprise-class, advanced Microsoft-based hosting for the .NET developer community. and also offer two hosting solutions.
If you need the latest Microsoft stack, IIS, and SQL Server, TFS or on the other end of the spectrum – PHP, MySQL with easy to configure pkgs like DNN, Drupal,DotNetNuke,  WordPress. They have it all and all affordable.


Whether you’re looking to launch a web application without hiring a full IT department, or you’re in IT and you just want to be sure you can handle large traffic spikes, a cloud hosting service can help you sleep at night, knowing your latest creation is running as it should



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