IHostAzure.com | Cheap and Reliable WordPress 4.1 Hosting . Hello All today we will learn about how to create widget using wordpress, ok let me to show you now.
Widget is a small block that performs a specific function. You can add widgets in sidebars also known as widget areas on your web page. Widgets is easy to install and the list of widget available widgets and widget areas by going to the Appearance » Widgets
Default widgets including categories, tag cloud, navigation menu, calendar, search, recent posts etc. If you drag the recent posts widget in a widget area, then it will contain a list of recent posts in WordPress.
How to create widget
Step 1: To open function.php file and paste below code.
// Creating the widget
class wpb_widget extends WP_Widget {
function __construct() {
// Base ID of your widget
// Widget name will appear in UI
__('WPBeginner Widget', 'wpb_widget_domain'),
// Widget description
array( 'description' => __( 'Sample widget based on WPBeginner Tutorial', 'wpb_widget_domain' ), )
// Creating widget front-end
// This is where the action happens
public function widget( $args, $instance ) {
$title = apply_filters( 'widget_title', $instance['title'] );
// before and after widget arguments are defined by themes
echo $args['before_widget'];
if ( ! emptyempty( $title ) )
echo $args['before_title'] . $title . $args['after_title'];
// This is where you run the code and display the output
echo __( 'Hello, World!', 'wpb_widget_domain' );
echo $args['after_widget'];
// Widget Backend
public function form( $instance ) {
if ( isset( $instance[ 'title' ] ) ) {
$title = $instance[ 'title' ];
}else {
$title = __( 'New title', 'wpb_widget_domain' );
// Widget admin form
<label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( 'title' ); ?>"><?php _e( 'Title:' ); ?></label>
<input class="widefat" id="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( 'title' ); ?>" name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name( 'title' ); ?>" type="text" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $title ); ?>" />
// Updating widget replacing old instances with new
public function update( $new_instance, $old_instance ) {
$instance = array();
$instance['title'] = ( ! emptyempty( $new_instance['title'] ) ) ? strip_tags( $new_instance['title'] ) : '';
return $instance;
} // Class wpb_widget ends here
// Register and load the widget
function wpb_load_widget() {
register_widget( 'wpb_widget' );
add_action( 'widgets_init', 'wpb_load_widget' );
Step 2: Check widget in widgets area.
So easy right?? I hope this tutorial help you 🙂
Best Recommendation WordPress 4.1 Hosting
ASPHostPortal.com is Microsoft No #1 Recommended Windows and ASP.NET Spotlight Hosting Partner in United States. Microsoft presents this award to ASPHostPortal.com for the ability to support the latest Microsoft and ASP.NET technology, such as: WebMatrix, WebDeploy, Visual Studio 2015, .NET 5/ASP.NET 4.5.2, ASP.NET MVC 6.0/5.2, Silverlight 6 and Visual Studio Lightswitch.
WordPress 4.1 is now available in ASPHostPortal. New features in WordPress 4.1 help you focus on your writing, and the new default theme lets you show it off in style. WordPress 4.1 has been translated into 40 languages with other languages yet to come. The ASPHostPortal.com hosting platform is compatible with WordPress 4.1 application. WordPress is always the best, well-known blogging tools. Start your WordPress 4.1 Hosting with ASPHostPortal today!
IHostAzure.com | Cheap and Reliable Plesk 12 Hosting. Now its difficult to find cheap and reliable hosting company, but don’t worry, here I recommend you choose cheap and reliable Plesk 12 hosting with ASPHostPortal.com to your site. Plesk 12 Hosting from ASPHostPortal.com is an effective, flexible and secure control panel for webmasters to meet the broadest range of customer requirements. It is compatible with both Windows and Linux platform but has a better reputation in the Windows web hosting field. Plesk 12 Hosting makes account management complete for server administrators. Plesk 12 Hosting is a complete multi-level hosting control panel, offering the server administrators a wide range of options to build and maintain the hosting business and also giving the end users full control over their websites. ASPHostPortal windows hosting is compatible with the Plesk 12 Hosting. Their offer Plesk 12 based hosting plan from just $5/month,start it now.
What’s Plesk ?
Plesk is a server control panel from Parallels, available on the following products:
Plesk is a control panel available on the following products:
Linux Virtual Private Servers (VPS) running CentOS
Linux Dedicated Servers running Ubuntu
Linux Dedicated Servers running CentOS
Windows Virtual Private Servers (VPS)
Windows Dedicated Servers
Windows Managed and Fully Managed Servers
Windows Shared Hosting
It lets you easily manage many aspects of your account, including the files, applications, and email hosted on your account or server.
Parallels Plesk Panel allows a server administrator to set up new websites, reseller accounts, e-mail accounts, and DNS entries through a web-based interface. The administrator can create client and site templates, which predetermine resource-allocation parameters for the domains and/or clients.
Parallels Plesk Panel for Linux/Unix supports multiple POSIX platforms, including Debian, Fedora, FreeBSD, Red Hat Linux, SUSE and Ubuntu. Parallels Plesk Panel for Windows supports Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2012 operating systems.
Parallels Plesk Panel installs custom versions of or manages versions of MySQL and PostgreSQL databases (Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine under Windows), Apache Tomcat Java platform server, and ColdFusion server.
What’s New in Parallels Plesk 12
Protection from Outgoing Spam and Other Mail Improvements
Plesk 12.0 introduces numerous enhancements in mail:
Protection from outgoing spam.
Dovecot mail server support with server-based email filtering.
Protection from email interception.
Ability to switch off mail service for individual domains.
Administrators can protect server IP addresses from being put into spam blacklist due to outgoing spam. Plesk offers a solution for all three major modern threats: stolen SMTP/POP3 accounts, malicious mass mailing web scripts and hacked customers’ system accounts.
Each of these threats can be dealt with by limitation of outgoing email messages per hour. Limits can be defined for a mailbox (individual mailboxes), for a domain (all customer’s mailboxes and website on a domain), and for a system account (all mailboxes and websites from all customer’s domains). The limits can be set at the server level and for individual mailboxes or customer accounts.
Now Plesk fully supports Dovecot mail server as a fast and efficient alternative to Courier for IMAP and POP3. With Dovecot sieve rules support, users can now set up server-based email filtering in mobile-friendly Horde and Roundcube webmail programs. Now it is also possible to set up out-of-office auto-replies directly in webmail.
Protection from email interception. Malicious users can set up domain names that are identical to the domain names of popular online stores and other resources. In certain cases, this enables those users to receive email messages sent by your customers to the legitimate companies. To protect your customers from this type of scam, you can prohibit the setup of domain names that are already registered and belong to existing companies. There is a prefilled list containing a hundred popular domains.
Now users can enable and disable mail service for individual domains and adjust other mail settings. Also, administrators and resellers can switch on and off the mail service on subscriptions by means of service plans.
Site and Server Security
Plesk 12.0 presents security improvements for server services and customer websites. This becomes possible with the help of two well known third-party security applications: Fail2Ban, intrusion detection and IP banning system, and ModSecurity, the Web Application Firewall (WAF).
Fail2ban support. Now administrators can protect their servers from different kinds of network attacks. Fail2ban, a popular intrusion prevention system, protects SSH, FTP, web, mail services, and Plesk itself. It detects suspicious activity and temporarily blocks the IP addresses of hosts that are trying to breach the system’s security. The default ban time is 10 minutes.
ModSecurity support. Now administrators can use ModSecurity, an Apache-based web application firewall, to prevent malicious Internet users from damaging customers’ websites by exploiting vulnerabilities and design flaws in web applications. The heart of ModSecurity, security rule sets, are updated regularly and can be easily changed on-the-fly. Supported rule sets: Core ModSecurity (CRS), Atomic, and Comodo.
The availability of Fail2Ban and ModSecurity depends on whether they are installed on the server and supported by your license key.
To check whether they are installed, go toServer Management > Tools & Settings > Updates & Upgrades. The ModSecurity component is listed in the “Web hosting features” group.
To check whether the license key supports both these components, go to Server Management > Tools & Settings > License Management, and see if there is the line “Security Core (ModSecurity and Fail2Ban) On”. If such a line is missing, your license key does not support them.
WordPress Toolkit
Plesk 12.0 introduces WordPress Toolkit, a powerful tool for managing APS- and non-APS-based WordPress installations. The toolkit enables server administrators, resellers, and customers to manage multiple WordPress installations, plugins, and themes from a single point of entry. Users can install, update, and remove WordPress installations, activate and remove plugins and themes.
WordPress Toolkit also addresses the WordPress security matters. Installation of WordPress via APS now immediately provides customers with secure WordPress instance out-of-the-box, applying recommended security improvements during the installation. You can scan selected WordPress installations to see how secure they are and apply selected security improvements. Since some of the security improvements may affect the functioning of WordPress, its plugins or themes, these improvements can be rolled back if something goes wrong.
Server administrators can control the availability of WordPress Toolkit for customers by means of service plans. The availability of security scan (including application and rollback of security enhancements) is managed by a separate option.
The availability of WordPress Toolkit depends on your license key. To check whether the license key supports it, go to Server Management > Tools & Settings > License Management, and see if there is the line “WordPress Toolkit On”. If such a line is missing, your license key does not support it.
Usability and Convenience
Plesk 12.0 makes account management complete for server administrators. Customer accounts can be moved from one reseller to another, and customer accounts can be converted to resellers and back. Custom comments for accounts and domains help to remember important nuances and simplify daily routines. Troubleshooting and assistance tasks become easier for administrators, who can work on behalf of their resellers, in addition to the previously available option to work on behalf of their customers.
Site management became easier for administrators in Power User Mode, resellers, and customers. Users can now select the “All subscription” option in the subscription or webspace selection menu, and manage all their sites from a single page. Also, the users of reseller accounts, who do not resell anything but only manage their own sites, can access a simplified site management interface.
Mobile-friendly interface: The tabbed user interface of hosting customers and Plesk administrators (when in Power User mode) automatically adjusts to the size of the screen on mobile devices.
Now users can restore individual reseller accounts, customer accounts, subscriptions, domains, DNS zones, mailboxes, mailing lists, databases, files and directories of a site, and SSL certificates. These are restored without any change in other content and without a need to hack into Plesk’s internal backup format.
Multi-Language Support
Plesk is now available in 21 language, including English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, Dutch, Russian, Chinese Traditional, Chinese Simplified, Polish, Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese, Korean, Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, Finnish, Turkish, Greek, and Ukrainian.
IHostAzure.com | Cheap and Reliable Persits ASPEncrypt Hosting. This article introduction about Persits ASPEncrypt and how to install it. let me to show you.
What is ASPEncrypt ?
ASPEncrypt is an ActiveX server component that brings security to your ASP or .NET application through encryption. With ASPEncrypt, you can encrypt text and files, send certificate-based secure mail, compute one-way hash values, generate and verify digital signatures, issue and manage X.509 digital certificatesAlthough this user manual is written primarily for ASP and ASP.NET developers, ASPEncrypt can be used with any development environment supporting COM, such as VB, Access, SQL Server, PHP, etc.
Easy, intuitive programming interface, most tasks can be implemented in just a few lines of script.
Encrypts text and files with all major symmetric ciphers: RC2, RC4, DES, Triple-DES, AES.
Encryption keys can be created randomly, generated from a password, or imported from an external source.
Ability to specify an initialization vector (IV), cipher mode and padding.
Computes one-way hash functions of text and files. All major hash functions are supported: MD4, MD5, SHA, SHA256.
Encrypts files as they are being uploaded, and decrypts files as they are being downloaded, when used in conjunction with AspUpload.
Sends certificate-based secure email in S/MIME format when used in conjunction with AspEmail. Email can be encrypted, digitally signed, or both.
Creates and manages digital certificates. Can be used to set up a local certification authority.
Manages certificate stores.
Supports the .cer, .spc and .pfx (.p12) certificate and store formats.
Creates and verifies digital signatures in PKCS#1 and PKCS#7 formats.
Encrypts (decrypts) data directly with a digital certificate’s public (private) key.
Supports PKCS#7-based signatures and envelopes.
Can be use as a client-side ActiveX control to perform cryptographic functions on a user machine without needing additional licenses.
System Requirements
Windows NT • 2000 • XP • 2003 • Vista • 2008 • 7 • 2012 • 8;
IIS with ASP or ASP.NET, or
Any development environment supporting COM.
Installation & Expiration Mechanism
The ASPEncrypt component consists of a single file, aspencrypt.dll (or, in case of the 64-bit version, aspencrypt64.dll). Being a COM object, this DLL needs to be registered on the server. The installer aspencrypt.exe (aspencrypt64.exe) performs the registration automatically. If manual installation is needed, the DLL must be registered with regsvr32.
To use ASPEncrypt under .NET, the interop assembly ASPENCRYPTLib.dll (shipped with the component) needs to be placed in the /Bin subfolder of the application. The main DLL aspencrypt.dll still needs to be properly registered.
ASPEncrypt works for 30 days without a registration key, and throws an expiration error afterwards. The purchased key needs to be placed in the system registry, as the default value, under
Alternatively, the registration key can be specified in your code via the RegKey property of the top-level CryptoManager object, as follows:
Set CM = Server.CreateObject(“Persits.CryptoManager”) CM.RegKey = “12345-12345-12345”
The current expiration date of the component can be retrieved via the Expires property, as follows:
Set CM = Server.CreateObject(“Persits.CryptoManager”) Response.Write CM.Expires
If this property returns 9/9/9999 it means a permanent registration key is being used.
Quick Start
The following code sample encrypts and decrypts a text string using a password-based symmetric key.
At first, the top-level CryptoManager object is created, which serves as an object factory for all other AspEncrypt objects. Then a cryptographic context is opened via the method OpenContext. An instance of the CryptoContext object encapsulates the handle to a cryptographic provider, a Windows library that actually contains the cryptographic functionality we need (in this case, symmetric encryption.) The OpenContext method and cryptographic providers will be covered in detail in the next chapter.
Using CryptoContext, an instance of the CryptoKey object is then created via the method GenerateKeyFromPassword. CryptoKey encapsulates symmetric encryption and decryption functionality via the methods EncryptText and DecryptText, among others.
Once text is encrypted, it becomes an unreadable binary sequence. To store, export and import binary data, AspEncrypt offers a special object, CryptoBlob. An instance of CryptoBlob is the return value of the EncryptText method, and the input argument to the DecryptText method. An empty CryptoBlob object can be created via CryptoManager’s CreateBlob method.
Set CM = Server.CreateObject("Persits.CryptoManager")
Set Context = CM.OpenContext( "", True )
' Create key from a password. Use default hash, cipher, and key size.
Set Key = Context.GenerateKeyFromPassword("mypassword")
Text = "my secret text"
Response.Write "Original text: " & Text
' Encrypt
Set Blob = Key.EncryptText( Text )
Response.Write "<P>Encrypted text in Base64 format: " & Blob.Base64
' Decrypt
Set Blob2 = CM.CreateBlob
Blob2.Base64 = Blob.Base64
ClearText = Key.DecryptText( Blob2 )
Response.Write "<P>Decrypted text: " & ClearText
ASPHostPortal.com is Cheap and Reliable Persits ASPEncrypt Hosting. ASPHostPortal is the leading provider of Windows hosting and affordable ASPEmail hosting. ASPHostPortal.com offers Persits ASPEncrypt hosting! You can always start from their Beginner Hosting Plan (from $5.00 /month) to get this application installed on your website. ASPHostPortal.com is now providing free domain and double SQL server space for new clients to enjoy the company’s outstanding web hosting service. ASPHostPortal proudly working to help grow the backbone of the Internet, the millions of individuals, families, micro-businesses, small business, and fledgling online businesses. ASPHostPortal has ability to support the latest Microsoft and ASP.NET technology, such as: WebMatrix, WebDeploy, Visual Studio 2015, .NET 5/ASP.NET 4.5.2, ASP.NET MVC 6.0/5.2, Silverlight 6 and Visual Studio Lightswitch, ASPHostPortal guarantees the highest quality product, top security, and unshakeable reliability, carefully chose high-quality servers, networking, and infrastructure equipment to ensure the utmost reliability.
DiscountService.bizis TheBest and Cheap Persits ASPEncrypt hosting.DiscountService.biz was established to cater to an under served market in the hosting industry web hosting for customers who want excellent service. DiscountService.biz guarantees the highest quality product, top security, and unshakeable reliability, carefully chose high-quality servers, networking, and infrastructure equipment to ensure the utmost reliability. DiscountService.biz has ability to support the latest Microsoft and ASP.NET technology, such as: WebMatrix, WebDeploy, Visual Studio 2015, .NET 5/ASP.NET 4.5.2, ASP.NET MVC 6.0/5.2, Silverlight 6 and Visual Studio Lightswitch. DiscountService.biz is devoted to offering the best Persits ASPEmail hosting hosting solution for you.
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IHostAzure.com | Cheap and Reliable Persits ASPPDF Hosting. Today I will explains about what is ASPPDF, feature from ASPPDF, and where the Best, Cheap and Reliable Hosting Company, and why you should choose them…. First I will show you about best and cheap hosting company . Ok let me to tell you….
Best And Cheap Persits ASPPDF Hosting
ASPHostPortal.com is Cheap and Reliable Persits ASPPDF Hosting. ASPHostPortal is the leading provider of Windows hosting and affordable ASPPDF hosting. ASPHostPortal.com offers Persits ASPPDF hosting! You can always start from their Beginner Hosting Plan (from $5.00 /month) to get this application installed on your website. ASPHostPortal.com is now providing free domain and double SQL server space for new clients to enjoy the company’s outstanding web hosting service. Click here for more information
Why You Should Choose ASPHostPortal
ASPHostPortal powerfull servers are especially optimized and ensure the best server performance. ASPHostPortal have best data centers on three continent, unique account isolation for security, and 24/7 proactive uptime monitoring. They are support team is extremely fast and can help you with setting up and using Classic ASP on your account. Their customer support will help you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year. They will not only provide you with a 30 days money back guarantee, but also give you a 99.9% uptime guarantee wowww very impressive, because that i recommend you to choose ASPHostPortal.com.
Ok now I will tell about what is ASPPDF… 🙂
What is ASPPDF ?
ASPPDF is an ActiveX server component for generating, opening and modifying documents in Portable Document Format (PDF). With AspPDF, your application can automatically create customer invoices, generate secure financial reports, produce encrypted and digitally signed documents, automate form fill-out process, and even send password-protected email with file attachments.
Although this user manual is written primarily for ASP and ASP.NET developers, AspPDF can be used with any development environment supporting COM, such as VB, Access, SQL Server, PHP, etc.
Ability to generate and read PDF documents from any application supporting COM.
Easy, intuitive object model.
Resultant PDFs can be saved to disk, memory, or an HTTP stream.
Support for external TrueType/OpenType fonts.
Optimized font embedding.
Multi-language support, special handling of Hebrew and Arabic alphabets, support for Arabic ligatures.
Support for a subset of HTML tags to facilitate formatted text rendering.
Word wrapping, text alignment to the left, right and center, full justification.
Image embedding, support for GIF, JPEG, BMP, PNG and TIFF formats.
Support for image masking, image transparency.
Document encryption with 40-bit and 128-bit keys (RC2 and AES).
X.509 certificate-based digital signing of new and existing documents.
Support for HTML-style tabular representation of information for easy report generation.
Modification of existing PDF documents, page adding and removal.
Page extraction.
PDF stamping.
Source documents can be read from disk as well as memory/database.
Document stitching.
Raw text content extraction for search and indexing purposes.
Support for interactive features such as actions, annotations, outlines.
Support for interactive form fields such as checkboxes, text boxes, and pushbuttons.
Form fill-in.
Drawing of all major types of barcodes.
HTML to PDF conversion.
PDF to Image conversion.
Automatic printing.
Image extraction.
Drawing this document’s pages on other documents.
Support for all major types of color spaces and transformation functions.
Support for Adobe XFA forms.
Support for PDF transparency model.
System Requirements
Windows NT • 2000 • XP • 2003 • Vista • 2008 • 7 • 2012 • 8 IIS with ASP or ASP.NET, or Any development environment supporting COM.
Installation Instructions
The ASPPDF component consists of a single file, ASPPDF.dll, which needs to be registered on your system using the regsvr32 command-line utility. The installer application ASPPDF.exe downloadable from this site installs and registers the ASPPDF.dll file along with documentation and code samples. It also adds a virtual directory ASPPDF to your IIS.
During installation, the user must enter a registration key. Registration keys and the expiration mechanism used by ASPPDF are described below.
It is strongly recommended that NTFS permissions be adjusted on the \Samples directory and all subdirectories to avoid an “Access is denied” or other errors when running the code samples. Using Windows Explorer, right-click on the directory c:\Program Files\Persits Software\ASPPDF\Samples, select the Security tab and give the “Everyone” account full control over this folder. Click “Advanced…” and make sure the checkbox “Reset permissions on all child objects…” is checked, as follows:
If you are using Windows XP and the Security tab is not showing, open the Folder Options control panel and unselect the “Use simple file sharing” option under the View tab.
Expiration Mechanism
Like other Persits Software components such as ASPUpload and ASPEmail, ASPPDF uses a registration key-based expiration mechanism. Unlike them, ASPPDF requires a registration key even for evaluation purposes. A free 30-day evaluation key is sent to the evaluator via email. Request your key at the Download page. Once a copy of the product is purchased, a permanent registration key is sent to the customer.
Registration keys used by ASPPDF are 76-character strings containing symbols from the Base64 character set. Each key has the issue and expiration date information embedded into it securely. A typical registration key looks as follows:
Once a key is obtained, it should be installed in the system registry under the location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Persits Software\AspPDF\RegKey as a default value, as shown below. The AspPDF.exe installer will place the key in this registry location automatically, or you may choose to do it manually using regedit.
Alternatively, the registration key can be specified in your code via the RegKey property of the top-level PdfManager object, as follows:
Set Pdf = Server.CreateObject("Persits.Pdf")
Pdf.RegKey = "IWezx3rI3+Xr0IY3CM5oqU6QVbWIoQup/i8rBbDd48FrWoK+/tWSSbinLQAG56TKdPCcUP29G/d9"
The current expiration date of the component can be retrieved via the Expires property, as follows:
Set Pdf = Server.CreateObject("Persits.Pdf")
Response.Write Pdf.Expires
If this property returns 9/9/9999 it means a permanent registration key is being used.
IHostAzure | Cheap and Reliable Persits ASPJpeg Hosting. Today I will explains about how to using ASPJpeg, First I will tell you about what is ASPJpeg, do you know ASPJpeg?? Let me to tell you..
ASPJpeg is an advanced image management component to be used in a Microsoft IIS environment. ASPJpeg enables your ASP/ASP.NET application to dynamically create high-quality thumbnails of images in just a few lines of code. An original image may be in any of the following formats : JPEG, GIF, BMP, TIFF or PNG.This component can be used in tandem with ASPUpload, the leading file upload component from Persits Software, Inc., to create thumbnails of images as they are being uploaded to the Web server.
ASPJpeg also a server component that will help your ASP or ASP.NET applications with all their image-management needs. With ASPJpeg you can create high-quality thumbnails, logo-stamp photographs, extract metadata information from images, crop, enhance, rotate, convert, and much more. For the complete list of features.
Feature ASPJpeg
Supports JPEG, GIF, BMP, TIFF and PNG formats as input.
Source images can be opened from disk, memory, or a recordset.
Resized images can be saved to disk, memory or an HTTP stream.
Supports three resizing algorithms: nearest-neighbor, bilinear, and bicubic.
Drawing and typing on top of an image. Support for TrueType and Type 1 fonts.
Automatic word wrapping, text alignment to the left, right, center and justified, rotation.
Compression rate of output images can be adjusted for optimal quality/file size ratio.
EXIF and IPTC metadata extraction from JPEG images.
Metadata preservation during resizing.
IPTC metadata adding and editing.
CMYK-to-RGB conversion.
Sepia filter.
Read/write access to individual pixels of an image.
PNG alpha channel support.
PNG output, alpha channel preservation.
GIF transparency support.
Brightness, contrast and saturation adjustment.
GIF output, transparency and animation preservation.
JPEG-to-GIF conversion.
Antialiased drawing routines.
Perspective projection.
Gaussian blur, edge detection, threshold, other filters.
Chroma key effect.
Using Persits ASPJpeg
Persits ASPJpeg is a server-side component that allows you to modify image data in your ASP scripts. LiquidSix offers you the ability to use our registered version of ASPJpeg.
How do you use Persits ASPJpeg?
The following is an example of using the ASPJpeg component to resize and rotate an image:
'Create an instance of our ASPJpeg object.
Set jpegObj = Server.CreateObject("Persits.Jpeg")
'Open an image from the same directory.
jpegObj.Open Server.MapPath(".") & "\myimage.jpg"
'Resize the image.
jpegObj.Width = 100
jpegObj.Height = 100
'Rotate our image left.
'Send our new image to the client.
Why would I use Persits ASPJpeg?
ASPJpeg allows you to resize images dynamically, whilst keeping the original intact, many coders will use such a component to display thumbnail images, using something similar to the following:
The page which contains a script like above, passing any parameters you need.
Best Recommended Persits ASPJpeg Hosting
ASPHostPortal.com is Cheap and Reliable Persits ASPJpeg Hosting. ASPHostPortal is the leading provider of Windows hosting and affordable ASPGrid hosting. ASPHostPortal.com offers Persits ASPGrid hosting! You can always start from their Beginner Hosting Plan (from $5.00 /month) to get this application installed on your website. ASPHostPortal.com is now providing free domain and double SQL server space for new clients to enjoy the company’s outstanding web hosting service. Click here for more information
IHostAzure.com| Cheap and Reliable Persits ASPEmail Hosting. AspEmail is a classic ASP component, and AspEmail.NET is a native .NET component, that enable your Web application to send email messages via any external SMTP server. Basic mail-sending functionality these products offer is absolutely free.
What’s Persits ASPEmail ?
ASPEmail is an active server component for sending e-mail messages using an external SMTP server in an ASP or VB environment. ASPEmail supports multiple recipients, multiple file attachments, HTML format, embedded images and sounds, non-US ASCII character sets, secure mail, and high-performance message queuing.
Persits ASPEmail Feature :
Sends e-mail using an external SMTP server programmatically.
Sends messages in both HTML and text formats (multipart/alternative).
Secure mail in the S/MIME format, when used in tandem with ASPEncrypt.
Various SMTP authentication methods.
Transport Layer Security (TLS) support.
DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) support.
High-volume message queuing support.
Deferred message delivery.
NNTP support.
Memory attachments.
Up to 64 simultaneous SMTP sessions when sending out queued mail.
Multiple attempts to resend a failed message.
Bounced message handling.
Full Unicode support in message body and headers.
Advanced logging.
Secure Socket Layer (SSL) on port 465 support
I have selected and compare their hosting packages and prices in other hosting company and choose the Cheap and Reliable Persits ASPEmailHosting for your website. Here I will recommended you to choose ASPHostPortal. ASPHostPortal is Cheap and Reliable Persists ASPEmailhosting. ASPHostPortal windows hosting is compatible with the Persits ASPEmail Hosting ASP based hosting plan from just $ 5.00/month.
Classic ASP Hosting With Persits ASPEmail Plan
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Some of the Reasons Why you Should Choose Classic ASP Hosting With Persits ASPEmail provider:
World Class Control Panel
ASPHostPortal use World Class Plesk Control Panel that support one-click installation.
Fast and Secure Server
ASPHostPortal powerfull servers are especially optimized and ensure the best server performance. ASPHostPortal have best data centers on three continent, unique account isolation for security, and 24/7 proactive uptime monitoring.
Best and Friendly Support
ASPHostPortal support team is extremely fast and can help you with setting up and using Classic ASP on your account. Their customer support will help you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year.
Dedicated Application Pool
With ASPHostPortal your site will be hosted using isolated application pool in order to meet maximum security standard and reliability.
Uptime & Support Guarantees
ASPHostPortal so confident in their hosting services. They will not only provide you with a 30 days money back guarantee, but also give you a 99.9% uptime guarantee.
IHostAzure.com | Cheap and Reliable Visual Studio 2015 Hosting. Visual Studio 2015 Preview includes several new and fascinating functions to assistance cross-platform mobile improvement, net & cloud development, IDE productivity enhancements, and more. This release is unsupported and are not intended for use on production computers, or to create production code. Microsoft strongly recommend only installing this release in a virtual machine, or on a computer that is available for reformatting. The C# and VB code editing experiences get even better in Visual Studio 2015 with built-in integration from the new “Roslyn” .NET 5 compiler platform. New language attributes in C# six reduce boilerplate and clutter in each day code, as well as the new light bulbs within the editor bring proactive refactoring and code repair opportunities to your interest as you might be writing or browsing code.
Use Visual Studio. (or any other version) to build and customize full-featured sites with good usability. This integrated development environment (IDE) is used to develop computer programs for Microsoft Windows, web applications, web sites and web services. Since it comes from Microsoft, several of the company’s platforms are integrated in the environment such as Microsoft Silverlight, Windows API, Windows Store, Windows Forms and Windows Presentation Foundation.
Designed for developers, it provides a single comprehensive development tool for creating cutting edge applications. Visual Studio allows developers the platform they need to build the next-generation internet, span any device, span multiple platforms and create applications quickly. It is extremely powerful and can produce both native code and managed code.
Performance, Stability and Reliability from Hosted Solutions
Microsoft developers like Visual Studio hosting because it gives them dedicated-level performance and stability in their development platforms. Whether it’s development or testing, Visual Studio hosting is a powerful platform that typically comes with uptime guarantees and worry-free operation. Additionally, standing up standalone dedicated servers to do the same thing is a time-consuming that is wasteful and potentially risky.
The construct is typically stacked with some flavor of versioning control software (VCS) which is a software method of controlling versions that go into development. In a hosted environment, component versioning, reversions and all things development are easily piped through a web browser URL or development interface.
Visual Studio itself has a number of tools that make development as easy as possible and a popular choice for developers. Upgrade wizards allows code from other sources to be easily imported into the .NET framework. Microsoft is always improving the platform towards supporting the latest in XML Web Services and the latest in Web services standards.
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Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 provides many new capabilities to support development on the latest platforms with modern lifecycle tools to make it easier for teams to deliver value continuously. Visual Studio Updates help ensure you always have the best solution for building modern applications and for managing the modern application lifecycle. New to Windows Extensions, Modules, and Libraries? Ready to try out? Sign up for a FREE Trial Hostingaccount from ASPHostPortal.com with absolutely no cost and get going in minutes
Yesterday i had explains about how setup SharePoint 2013 on Windows Azure Part 1, today we will continue it step by step setup SharePoint on Windows Azure Part 2.
Install and Configure Domain Controller
In the last article we saw how to create the network components. In this article we will see how to install and configure the domain controller.
Create Domain Controller VM
Go to “New Virtual Machine” and from the “Gallery” choose “Windows Server 2012 DataCenter”. Select the size as medium to begin with as shown below.
Configuing Domain Controller
Once the Domain Controller is provisioned, click on the “Connect” button and RDP into the DC machine. Click on “Add Roles and Features” and follow the procedure as shown below. In the Server Roles section, choose “Active Directory Domain Services”.
Click on “Add Features” and then on the “Confirmation” tab click on “Install”. Once this is done you may be required to restart the server. Restart and again RDP into the DC Server. Near “Manage this server” click on the yellow triangle and click on “Promote to Domain Controller”.
Follow the steps below. Add a new Forest. Mention the domain name you wish.
You can ignore the following DNS Options error.
Change the paths if required of the ADDS Database, log and SYSVOL folders. If you have added extra external disks then this can point to them as well. Once you click on “Install”, the prerequisites will be installed and your DC Server is ready to add users.
Add new user accounts to the domain
As in on-premise installation we will add 4 users to this domain
“sp_farm” to manage the SharePoint farm
“sp_farm_db” to have sysadmin rights on SQL Server instances.
“sp_install” to have domain administration rights needed for installing roles and features
“sqlservice” to have an identity that SQL instances can run as
sp_install user configuration
We will specifically take this user siince there are some extra steps required to configure this user. The other 3 users are simple user creations. From “Action” –> “New” –> “User”:
Add “sp_install” to the Domain Admin Group as shown below:
Go to “Domain” –> “Properties” –> “Security Tab” then click the “Advanced” button then select the “Pronciple” link then type “sp_install” as shown in the following procedure.
Select “Read All Properties” and “Create Computer Objects” as shown below.
In the next article we will see how to install and configure SQL Server for SharePoint Server 2013 on Windows Azure.
Best Recommended SharePoint 2013 Hosting
ASPHostPortal.com is Perfect, suitable hosting plan for a starter in SharePoint. ASPHostPortal the leading provider of Windows hosting and affordable SharePoint Hosting. ASPHostPortal proudly working to help grow the backbone of the Internet, the millions of individuals, families, micro-businesses, small business, and fledgling online businesses. ASPHostPortal has ability to support the latest Microsoft and ASP.NET technology, such as: WebMatrix, WebDeploy, Visual Studio 2015, .NET 5/ASP.NET 4.5.2, ASP.NET MVC 6.0/5.2, Silverlight 6 and Visual Studio Lightswitch, ASPHostPortal guarantees the highest quality product, top security, and unshakeable reliability, carefully chose high-quality servers, networking, and infrastructure equipment to ensure the utmost reliability.
HostForLIFE.eu guarantees 99.9% uptime for their professional SharePoint hosting and actually implements the guarantee in practice. HostForLIFE.eu is the service are excellent and the features of the web hosting plan are even greater than many hosting. HostForLIFE.eu offer IT professionals more advanced features and the latest technology. Relibility, Stability and Performance of servers remain and TOP priority. Even basic service plans are equipped with standard service level agreements for 99.99% uptime. Advanced options raise the bar to 99.99%. HostForLIFE.eu revolutionized hosting with Plesk Control Panel, a Web-based interface that provides customers with 24×7 access to their server and site configuration tools.
DiscountService.biz is The Best and Cheap SharePoint Hosting. DiscountService.biz was established to cater to an under served market in the hosting industry web hosting for customers who want excellent service. DiscountService.biz guarantees the highest quality product, top security, and unshakeable reliability, carefully chose high-quality servers, networking, and infrastructure equipment to ensure the utmost reliability. DiscountService.biz has ability to support the latest Microsoft and ASP.NET technology, such as: WebMatrix, WebDeploy, Visual Studio 2015, .NET 5/ASP.NET 4.5.2, ASP.NET MVC 6.0/5.2, Silverlight 6 and Visual Studio Lightswitch. DiscountService.biz is devoted to offering the best Windows hosting solution for you.
How To : Setup SharePoint 2013 Virtual machine on Windows Azure
IHostAzure.com| Cheap And Reliable Hosting. In this article I will explains step by step How to Setup SharePoint 2013 on Windows Azure.
I was very excited with my MSDN subscription on Windows Azure and wanted to quickly set up SharePoint Server 2013 on the Windows Azure infrastructure. I started by logging and entered my credentials and started with the screen as shown below.
Wrong way of provisioning SharePoint Server 2013 on Windows Azure
I see a SharePoint Server 2013 Trial image virtual machine in the Gallery and started directly provisioning the SharePoint Server thinking that a single standalone SharePoint Server 2013 will be provisioned.
But after the VM was provisioned and I attempted to launch the SharePoint Administrator as done on the premise of SharePoint Server 2013 installation, I soon realised that this template (VM image) is not meant for a single standalone SharePoint Server 2013 installation. I get the following message:
Correct way of provisioning SharePoint Server 2013 on Windows Azure
At the minimum, there are 4 steps and multiple sub-steps that need to be followed to properly provision SharePoint Server 2013 on Windows Azure. So the 3 steps are as follows:
Create and Configure Network components
Install and Configure Domain Controller
Install and Configure SQL Server
Install and Configure SharePoint Server 2013
In this article we will see the initial step details and in subsequent articles we will see the remaining steps.
Create and configure Network components
So the first step is to create and configure network components. At the minimum we will need the following network components:
One Virtual Private Network
One DNS Server
Three Subnets
One Windows Azure Storage Account
Create VPN
Click on the Network Services in the Windows Azure Manage portal and click on “New”. Enter the details such as Name and Region as shown below.
Create a DNS Server as shown below. Choose the IP as “” since this is the static IP given to the DNS Server. Note: I realised this when I got an error to connect other servers to the domain.
Create SubNets
I have created 4 subnets below but a minimum of 3 is required for a small farm where AppSubnet and WebSubnet can be clubbed together. As the name suggests, we are using these for the Domain Controller, SQL Database, Application Server and Web Server roles.
Once all this is done, click on the “OK” tab and wait for a few minutes; your VPN will be created as shown below.
Create a storage account
After the network is ready, as shown below create a storage account. Give it a name and follow the wizard. Your storage account will be created.
In the next article we will see how to create and configure a domain controller.
Best Recommended SharePoint 2013 Hosting
ASPHostPortal.com is Perfect, suitable hosting plan for a starter in SharePoint. ASPHostPortal the leading provider of Windows hosting and affordable SharePoint Hosting. ASPHostPortal proudly working to help grow the backbone of the Internet, the millions of individuals, families, micro-businesses, small business, and fledgling online businesses. ASPHostPortal has ability to support the latest Microsoft and ASP.NET technology, such as: WebMatrix, WebDeploy, Visual Studio 2015, .NET 5/ASP.NET 4.5.2, ASP.NET MVC 6.0/5.2, Silverlight 6 and Visual Studio Lightswitch, ASPHostPortal guarantees the highest quality product, top security, and unshakeable reliability, carefully chose high-quality servers, networking, and infrastructure equipment to ensure the utmost reliability.
HostForLIFE.eu guarantees 99.9% uptime for their professional SharePoint hosting and actually implements the guarantee in practice. HostForLIFE.eu is the service are excellent and the features of the web hosting plan are even greater than many hosting. HostForLIFE.eu offer IT professionals more advanced features and the latest technology. Relibility, Stability and Performance of servers remain and TOP priority. Even basic service plans are equipped with standard service level agreements for 99.99% uptime. Advanced options raise the bar to 99.99%. HostForLIFE.eu revolutionized hosting with Plesk Control Panel, a Web-based interface that provides customers with 24×7 access to their server and site configuration tools.
DiscountService.biz is The Best and Cheap SharePoint Hosting. DiscountService.biz was established to cater to an under served market in the hosting industry web hosting for customers who want excellent service. DiscountService.biz guarantees the highest quality product, top security, and unshakeable reliability, carefully chose high-quality servers, networking, and infrastructure equipment to ensure the utmost reliability. DiscountService.biz has ability to support the latest Microsoft and ASP.NET technology, such as: WebMatrix, WebDeploy, Visual Studio 2015, .NET 5/ASP.NET 4.5.2, ASP.NET MVC 6.0/5.2, Silverlight 6 and Visual Studio Lightswitch. DiscountService.biz is devoted to offering the best Windows hosting solution for you.
PHP is an accessible yet powerful language for creating dynamic web pages. As its popularity has grown, PHP’s basic feature set has become increasingly more sophisticated. PHP is a general-purpose scripting language suited for Web development. The PHP script can be embedded into HTML. Now PHP 5 boasts advanced features–such as new object-oriented capabilities and support for XML and Web Services–that will please even the most experienced web professionals while still remaining user-friendly enough for those with a lower tolerance for technical jargon.
PHP 5 Features
Cleaner Error Handling with Exceptions – PHP 5 offers a completely different model of error checking than what’s available in PHP 4. It’s called exception handling. With exceptions, you’re freed from the necessity of checking the return value of every function. Instead, you can separate programming logic from error handling and place them in adjoining blocks of code.
Iterators – Iterators are a completely new PHP 5 feature. They allow you to use a for-each loop to cycle through different types of data: directory listings, database results, and even XML documents. SPL — Standard PHP Library — is a collection of iterators that provide this functionality and also filter, limit, cache, and otherwise modify iterator results.
Robust Support for Object-Oriented Programming – With PHP 5, PHP programmers can at last stop apologizing for PHP’s krufty OO support such as Constructors,Destructors, Public, protected, and private properties and methods, Interfaces, Abstract classes, Class type hints, Static properties and methods, Final properties and methods and A whole suite of magical methods.
Scalability – The PHP scripting language is more scalable than any other programming language. As a result, the websites hosted by using PHP hosting services are capable of handing various levels of traffics.
A Completely Rewritten MySQL Extension – The MySQL database is PHP’s partner in crime. Many developers power their web sites with MySQL, yet the MySQL extension is showing its age. In retrospect, some design decisions weren’t the best solutions after all.
A Suite of Interoperable XML Tools – PHP 5 fixes the major problems in PHP 4’s XML extensions. While PHP 4 allows you to manipulate XML, its XML tools are only superficially related. Each tool covers one part of the XML experience, but they weren’t designed to work together, and PHP 4 support for the more advanced XML features is often patchy.
An Embedded Database with SQLite – While MySQL is greater than ever, it’s actually “too much database” for some jobs. SQLite is an embedded database library that lets you store and query data using an SQL interface without the overhead of installing and running a separate database application. PHP 5 bundles SQLite, providing developers with a database that’s guaranteed to work on all PHP 5 installations. Despite the name, SQLite is nowhere close to a “lite” database. It supports: Transactions, Subqueries, Triggers And many other advanced database features Cleaner Error Handling with Exceptions – PHP 5 offers a completely different model of error checking than what’s available in PHP 4. It’s called
IHostAzure.com| Cheap And Reliable PHP 5 Hosting 2015. PHP hosting is highly recommended if you choose to use PHP script in your website design. PHP is a powerful and useful tool, and PHP web hosting will ensure its hassle-free use. PHP hosting is a powerful option for individuals and businesses, and vital to those who use the popular PHP scripting to design dynamic, informative web sites. If you count yourself among this group, you’ll want to find the PHP web hosting company that is the most adept and familiar with PHP hosting a service that will support all the features you require.
To choose the best, cheap and reliable PHP hosting for yourself, I recommend you going with the best PHP hosting plans as below. You won’t go wrong with these best PHP hosting providers that they have been fully tested by PHP developers. UKWindowsHostASP.NET is the best Hosting provider that offers the most affordable world class hosting solutions for customers. They provide shared, reseller, cloud, and dedicated web hosting. They never fall asleep and run a service that is operating 24/7 a year.
UKWindowsHostASP.NET is proud to offer PHP 5 Hosting. UKWindowsHostASP.NET customers have an option to choose type of PHP version when configuring website from inside the UKWindowsHostASP.NET control panel.