5 Simple Ways to Get Cheap WordPress Hosting

WordPress is a lightweight system that “theoretically” runs on any server that supports PHP and MySQL 5. With this being said, most hosting companies are able to offer extremely low prices to their clients. Knowing this information suddenly makes people’s decisions be based upon “who has the lowest price” and then they choose the cheapest WordPress hosting provider they can.

However, we must not forget about quality. There is a big difference between a website that merely runs and one that runs well. Although most “shared servers ” (shared hosts) meet their user’s demands, there are many other factors that need to be taken into consideration.

When choosing a web host, you need to make sure that your provider will give you all of the necessary resources to make your page run fast and smoothly. You need a company that can enable you to provide the best user experience for your visitors, and that can aid you in positioning well on Google too. So it is important to choose not only the cheapest WordPress host, but the one which offers the highest-quality as well.

Here are some tips to help you pick a high-quality and cheap WordPress web hosting company.

[su_service title=”Can it handle my needs?” icon=”icon: rocket” icon_color=”#3c3c3c” size=”18″]Of course the quality varies from server to server and the complexity of your site is also an issue. A website with various plugins doing several queries to the database consumes more resources and makes your page load slower. But overall, a shared server can run one or more WordPress sites pretty well. A good one, however, can handle a web page that gets 10,000 and 14,000 pageviews a day, without any problems.[/su_service]

[su_service title=”Speed” icon=”icon: rocket” icon_color=”#3c3c3c” size=”18″]A good performing website loads your pages quickly. Having a fast site will ensure that your users stay longer on your page and do not abandon your website due to its slow load time. This a crucial factor if you are engaged in any activity that involves online sales. A virtual store that takes too long to load is bound to lose sales and revenue. People are impatient these days. Leave them waiting and you’ll lose potential customers who will never return to your site again.

P.S. Search engines like Google also consider the speed of your site as one of its ranking factors. Your position on a Google search may be impaired if your site does not have a good loading speed.

So remember, look out for high-performance servers that will assist in the performance of your site (since its speed also depends on the server that hosts your website).[/su_service]

[su_service title=”Stability” icon=”icon: rocket” icon_color=”#3c3c3c” size=”18″]Of course the quality varies from server to server and the complexity of your site is also an issue. A website with various plugins doing several queries to the database consumes more resources and makes your page load slower. But overall, a shared server can run one or more WordPress sites pretty well. A good one, however, can handle a web page that gets 10,000 and 14,000 pageviews a day, without any problems.

The best hosting providers have their servers monitored 24 hours a day and offer an uptime of more than 99%.

Your website’s ranking on Google may also be adversely affected if it is not frequently available to the public eye. So when choosing a WordPress hosting provider, ensure that your website will always be available to its users.


[su_service title=”Security” icon=”icon: rocket” icon_color=”#3c3c3c” size=”18″]The hosting company should ensure that your website data is protected against any problems related to the server hosting it. If by any chance the server has an outage, the company must have an information system in place so that no data saved on the server is lost in case of accidents. The company must also have a system of routine backups and / or data protection.[/su_service]

[su_service title=”Customer Service” icon=”icon: rocket” icon_color=”#3c3c3c” size=”18″]Chances are, you will need the company’s support at one point or another. Although, you may never have to fix a serious problem, you’ll need help to do at least some basic configurations. When this time comes, it is important that you have an efficient support channel that can be contacted quickly and counted whenever you need them.[/su_service]


I hope you have understood a bit more about WordPress Hosting and have helped you in making the best choice when it comes to taking care of your site.

Reliable and Cheap WordPress 4.5.2 Hosting Provider

Reliable WordPress 4.5.2 Hosting

For those that are just getting in on the WordPress on the Internet, they are going to find that one of the first steps is finding a WordPress host in order to provide them with the space to get their message or product out there. For beginners, it can be a bit overwhelming in order to fully understand hosting since there are so many components of WordPress hosting that must be known before making a decision. One tip is that if you are serious about doing this, stay away from free WordPress hosting as these are known for providing space, yet not the customer service that the person is going to need in order to really get the response that they want.

In order to make the right choice and pick the right company I would suggest that you read the reviews from hosting review sites. Note the difference between the different sales pages and true web hosting site reviews. After reading through a few it should become obvious. In this article, I would like to give you Reliable and Cheap WordPress 4.5.2 Hosting Provider Recommendation based on some factors like : uptime, speed, price, customer review, features, and support.

Reliable and Cheap WordPress 4.5.2 Hosting Provider

ASPHostPortal.com is the fastest growing WordPress hosting provider in web hosting industry. The company was founded in 2008, Since that time they’ve become one of the fastest growing WordPress hosting companies in the web hosting industry. At ASPHostPortal.com you will find the best combination of cheap price, reliability, 99% uptime and of course, best 24/7 ticket and email Support. ASPHostPortal’s all web hosting Packages include a 30-day money back guarantee. If you are dissatisfied with our services for any reason, you will receive a full refund if you cancel your account within 30 days of the activation of your account. They are offering WordPress 4.5.2 hosting services with excellent uptime rate and cheap price. Their WordPress 4.5.2 hosting starts from $5/mo. To view more details about their WordPress 4.5.2 hosting plan and features, you can click below image


ASPHostPortal.com Web Hosting is a great company that cares for its customers. They strongly believe in delivering the best for their customers. Hence, they build all servers with top-quality hardware coupled with plenty of innovative software to deliver a whole new high performance WordPress hosting experience for you! With the addition of their knowledgeable staffs working behind the scenes, blazing fast loading speed, high uptime, incredible technical support and features-packed hosting service are some of the ways they keep their customers happy.

5 Mistakes That You Must Avoid When Choosing WordPress 4.5.2 Hosting

tipsBefore you choose a WordPress hosting provider for a successful online presence, you must avoid five mistakes that many people make nowadays. They make these mistakes either consciously or unconsciously, and it has led to bad experiences for them. No matter the type of website you want to float or the type of hosting service you desire, if you make any of these mistakes, you would be better off without a web presence.

1. Don’t be in a haste to pick a provider: Never be in a haste to choose a provider among short-listed ones. You need to carry out an elaborate research into their past activities so that you will be able to identify the one that can actually give you the best service. It is indeed important to take your time because changing from one host to another is not so easy. In fact, some web hosts will deliberately delay your movement to another host because they don’t want to lose customers.

2. Don’t forget to carry out a BBB check: The Better Business Bureau (BBB) is an organisation that rates companies based on customers’ complaints and the rapidity at which these complaints are resolved. Hence, never forget to conduct a BBB check on your short-listed web hosts in order to separate the wheat from the chaff. A service provider with a good BBB rating is probably going to give you a reliable service.

3. Don’t forget to ask questions: Before you take up a hosting account, you should ask your potential host so many pertinent questions. If it has an FAQ section, visit it and if there are more questions that are not yet answered, don’t hesitate to ask. Every serious-minded host will be ready to answer any question you might put up. Remember that the best time to ask questions is before you sign up for a hosting account. As soon as you sign up, there wouldn’t be much room for so many questions because, at that time, you would be grappling with traffic generation for your new site.

4. Don’t forget to investigate customer support: You should be able to get a reasonable amount of confidence from the customer support department of a web host. To achieve this, you should make contacts at different periods of the day to ascertain its promptness. You wouldn’t want a web host that will not be your reliable partner while the hosting contract lasts. Consequently, you must ensure that you are satisfied with the level of customer service before sign-up.

5. Don’t forget to request for a money-back guarantee: If a web hosting company cannot give you a money-back guarantee for at least thirty days, you shouldn’t give it a second thought. This is because the company is not sure of the quality of its service. So, before you make that decision on which company will host your website, you should endeavour not to make any costly mistake.