Reliable DNN 8.0.2 Hosting :: VS

DNN Platform 8.0.2 has been released.

This release resolves the following ONE security issue

  • 2016-05 (Critical) Potential file upload by unauthenticated users

The issue is marked as CRITICAL. Typically that would mean that you should upgrade to 8.0.2 as soon as possible.

DNN provides a suite of solutions for creating rich, rewarding online experiences for customers, partners and employees. DNN products and technology are the foundation for 750,000+ websites worldwide. In addition to their commercial CMS and social community solutions, DNN is the steward of the DotNetNuke Open Source Project.


Reliable DNN 8.0.2 Hosting : VS


JodoHost made its beginning in December 2002. Since then, they have seen rapid growth and have been recognized by their customers for excellent customer service and system reliability. They attribute their success to their highly qualified team of administrators and their state-of-the-art software and equipment. APYL Inc., is a Florida based Corporation. APYL Group has been in business since 1995.

All JodoHost servers are located at a private facility in Waco, TX. It has now grown to have customers in over 100 countries.

JodoHost has a team of Web Hosting Experts with 6-10 years of Industry experience. They provide quality services at reasonable fee through their in-house full-time Staff working in 3 shifts, 24 hrs. a day, all year long.

img (1) DNN 8.0.2 was established to cater to an under served market in the hosting industry; web hosting for customers who want excellent service. This is why continues to prosper throughout the web hosting industry’s maturation process. provides ASP.NET 5 Hosting, ASP.NET MVC 4.5.2 Hosting, ASP.NET 4.5.1 Hosting, .NET 4.5 Hosting, .NET 4.5 Hosting, ASP.NET 4.0 Hosting, ASP.NET 3.5 Hosting, ASP.NET 2 Hosting, Classic ASP Hosting, ASP.NET MVC 5 Hosting, ASP.NET MVC 4 Hosting, Silverlight Hosting, SQL 2005 Hosting, SQL 2008 Hosting, SQL 2012 Hosting, SQL 2014 Hosting, Crystal Report Hosting, Reporting Service Hosting, VS Lightswitch Hosting, SharePoint 2010 Hosting, SharePoint 2013 Hosting and WebMatrix Hosting in European continent, particularly to countries like Spain, Belgium, UK, Netherlands, Germany, France, Italy, Denmark, Poland, Portugal, Austria, Switzerland, Norway, Sweden, Czech, Hungaria, Romania, Ireland, Greece, Bulgaria, Turkey and Ukraine VS – Features & Pricing

img (2) offer four different kind of plans. Shared windows hosting starts from €3.00/month, Cloud hosting starts from€3.49/month, Reseller hosting starts from €15.00/month, and Dedicated Cloud Server starts from €40.00/month.

img (3) also offer four different kind of plans, windows hosting for $2.95 per month, VPS hosting for $29.95 per month, Reseller hosting for $18.75 per month, and dedicated server for $99 per month. VS – 30 Days Money Back Guarantee

With, customer can cancel their web hosting service within 30-day of signup to get full refund.  If however the customer cancels after the 30-day period, he or she will receive a refund for the unused months of his or her currently billing term after deducting a refund charge. The refund charge will be equal to $10.00 or the refund amount itself, whichever is less.

Meanwhile, with, their top priority to deliver the ultimate customer experience, so that if for any reason you’re unhappy in your first 30 days as a customer, you’re more than welcome to request your money back. VS – Uptime

This Service Level Agreement (SLA) covers the availability and uptime of our Windows, Linux, VPS* and Reseller hosting services. This SLA applies to any JodoHost Customer in good financial standing with JodoHost at the time of a service outage. JodoHost endeavors to have the content of all your web sites (which are being served by JodoHost) available for HTTP access by any party in the world 99.9% of the time. Service outage (unavailability) is defined as 100% packet loss from JodoHost to its backbone providers.In the event that that the average availability of all your websites (served by Jodohost) falls below 99.9%**, JodoHost will credit the following month’s Service Fee as follows. Such credit shall be retroactive and shall be as calculated below and as measured 24 hours a day in a calendar month, with the maximum credit not to exceed hundred (100) percent of the monthly Service Fee charge for the affected month.

In the event that that the average availability of all your websites (served by Jodohost) falls below 99.9%**, JodoHost will credit the following month’s Service Fee as follows. Such credit shall be retroactive and shall be as calculated below and as measured 24 hours a day in a calendar month, with the maximum credit not to exceed hundred (100) percent of the monthly Service Fee charge for the affected month.

In other hand, Relibility, Stability and Performance of servers remain their TOP priority. Even their basic service plans are equipped with standard service level agreements for 99.99% uptime. Advanced options raise the bar to 99.99%.

Reliable DNN 8.0.2 Hosting Choice?

In final conclusion, I think I will go with for DNN 8.0.2 hosting. Not only because they have rich feature and support latest version of DNN 8.0.2, but also offer higher uptime guarantee. But then again, the choice in yours.

Cheap and Reliable Hosting :: 10 Tips on how to Protect Your Website from Hackers | Cheap and Reliable ASP.NET hosting. If you are working as a website developer, you must be aware of website security threats and hacking. You can protect your websites from the attacks of hackers by following certain measures of security. This piece of writing is going to provide you with some common and effectual ways of slowing down the attacks of hackers who use injection attack methods and other hacking measures to steal your confidential information. If you want to know how to protect your website from hackers, then this article is a must read for you!

Best Tips on Protecting your Website from Hackers 

Read on to know the top 10 tips which are surely going to assist you in protecting your website from hackers. The following measures can be taken:
[su_service title=”Keep Your Software Updated” icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#7f2a21″ size=”24″]
You need to make sure that your software is updated and your website security is working efficiently. This is applied to operating systems or any other software that you might be running on your site like any forum of content management system. If safety holes are found out in your website software, it means hackers can easily make an attempt to abuse your website information. So, keep your website software up to date all the time. [/su_service]
[su_service title=”Information Given in Error Messages ” icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#7f2a21″ size=”24″]
It is really important that you be really careful regarding how much information you provide in the error messages of your website. For instance, in case your website has a login form, then you must think of the language in order to communicate the failure of login attempts. It is beneficial if you create generic messages just like “Incorrect password and username” and never specify if the user has got some part of the whole query accurate. [/su_service]
[su_service title=”Change Admin Username ” icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#7f2a21″ size=”24″]
There are a lot of hackers out there who try to obtain your website’s password by trying out your admin username. Therefore, it is really important that you change the default admin username at first because it might create some privacy issues for you later on. Changing your user admin name to something else would certainly protect your website from hackers. The process of changing your admin username is very simple. If you created you site using WordPress, you can refer to this article to change your WordPress username and password for higher security. [/su_service]

[su_service title=”Never Allow Uploading Files ” icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#7f2a21″ size=”24″]
When you permit users to upload their files to your site, it can cause a big security risk. The files that are uploaded might look innocent but they may contain such script which might open up your website when executed on the web server. You must treat every file with suspicion in case you have a form of file upload in your website.[/su_service]
[su_service title=”Avoid Easy Passwords ” icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#7f2a21″ size=”24″]
Most of the people think why hackers would hack their account. These are the people who become the victims most often and are attacked by the hackers. Therefore, you must not throw a bone in front of hackers by choosing a simple password for the admin area of your website. Avoid keeping such passwords which contain your name and other easy information associated with you. It is better if you choose complicated passwords which have numbers, symbols and characters mixed together[/su_service]
[su_service title=”Utilize a Safe Connection ” icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#7f2a21″ size=”24″]
You must use powerful Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) for data protection. This way, you are able to ensure your customers that your website is very much safe and secure to be used. Therefore, it is really significant that you utilize SSL certificates for the authentication of your business identity among your clients. This way, you are able to protect your customers and your company from getting into any kind of inconvenience. [/su_service]
[su_service title=”Never Store Sensitive Information ” icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#7f2a21″ size=”24″]
You do not have to store the customer records specifically their credit card information, card verification codes, and expiration dates. The experts suggest that you must store a minimal data for preventing any sort of future problem. The risks which are associated with the breach of this rule are much greater as compared with that of the convenience for your business customers. When you will not have anything, hackers will not have anything to steal too. [/su_service]
[su_service title=”Employ verification System ” icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#7f2a21″ size=”24″]
If you want to protect your data from getting stolen, then enabling a verification system for your address will definitely work out. You need to ask for the verification value of the card for all the transactions carried out with credit cards in order to reduce any sort of fraudulent activities. [/su_service]
[su_service title=”Set up Alerts ” icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#7f2a21″ size=”24″]
It is important to maintain alerts for suspicious transactions which are coming from one IP address again and again. Furthermore, you have to set up alerts for orders which are placed for multiple times by the same individual through variant phone numbers, credit cards which belong to different areas. [/su_service]

[su_service title=”Layer up Your Website Security ” icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#7f2a21″ size=”24″]

You must layer up your website’s security in order to maintain safe business environment. You can start your work with firewalls, which is the most important aspect that plays a significant role in restricting the attackers from breaking your network and get an access to your sensitive information. You must add an additional protection layer to your applications like login boxes, contact forms and search queries too. [/su_service]