5 Very Useful WordPress Trick

Today you can see numerous blogs and websites around you and there would be many blogs with unique features that you would like to have in your WordPress blog or site. However, it is not possible for everyone to know what they have to do to get unique features in their blogs or where to look for those features. This article will try to share some hacks and tricks that will be very useful for the WordPress development company and developers.

Set Custom Page as a Home Page in WordPress

This is the main feature that every developer wants to know where they can create their own design and set it as the home page of their blog. Create a new template or duplicate your PHP file as a template and log in to your WordPress admin panel. Publish your page and go to the option to select the custom homepage and point it to your newly created page. This is the simplest trick to have your custom designed page as your home page.

Create Page To Show Random Posts

This is the feature that is liked by every reader and developer. Web design company New Zealand have confirmed that all of their clients want this feature where their readers are shown random posts every time they refresh the page.

This is very simple method, first you have to create a custom page as mentioned above and then you have to add a simple WordPress Loop script that will show one post every time the page is refreshed. However, you have the option to increase the number of the posts.

Display External RSS feed in WordPress

Many times we see that bloggers display feeds of their other blogs on their site. This is the simplest trick to increase your traffic. Adding below mentioned codes anywhere in your theme will do the magic.

<?php echo ‘Posted ‘.$item->get_date(‘j F Y | g:i a’); ?>

Display Relative Dates

For the bloggers having good knowledge about the plugins of WordPress this is very simple job. All you have to do is download plugin called WP-Relative Date and activate the plugin. WordPress plugin development NZ are using this trick to please their clients.

News in a WordPress Site

This is the trick that is adapted by the top bloggers and sites to ensure that the useful section is displayed in the sidebar that is actually posted by the audience. This simple job can be accomplished by downloading plugin called TDO Mini Forms and activate it. There is no need of having any extra knowledge for this, just follow the instructions displayed and your site will be ready.

Hope the above mentioned tricks are useful for you.

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